The Bishop and Mayor of Galway have recently launched our fundraiser to finance a new clubhouse for OLBC. The club was founded in 1941 to foster civic responsibility amongst the young people of the city, to develop their interpersonal and social skills and to provide alternatives to alcohol and drugs by encouraging them to become involved in sport etc. It is one of the longest running in the country and many of our past members have headed up some of the leading organisations in the city and indeed around the world.
The cost of the clubhouse will be in the region of €1.5 million and work is due to start in mid- October and be completed by June 2008. The club is a registered charity and donations are tax allowable. The people and businesses of Galway have always supported us over the last 67 years and we appeal once again to your generosity to help us provide a modern clubhouse with up to date facilities to continue the work of OLBC.
Donations can be made to the OLBC Building Project at AIB, 18 Eyre Square, Galway -
Account No: 3195 8014, Sort Code: 93-72-23 or
Account No: 1066 1107, Sort Code: 98-57-53
or to any of the fundraising committee listed below.
Yours sincerely,
James P. Cunningham
Our Lady's Boys' Club
Launch committee: J.P. Cunningham, Michael Grealish, Tom Kenny, Bobby Deacy, Michael Cunningham, Mick Turley, Tom Connell, Pat McCann, Tomas Cunningham, Michael Dooley and John Hardiman.
All Input is welcome and any donations are very much appreciated
Thank you
The Club Members

Please download newsletter about our
New Clubhouse Project